Integrative Wellness Coaching
Integrative Wellness Coaching is available online for whatever need you may have. What is on your mind?
Integrative Wellness Coaching addresses all of you, your dreams, your dailies, your hot messes, which stars you are reaching for ... providing the support you need today to help you get there tomorrow. We will optimize your nutrition, your daily rhythm, workout, reconnecting your spiritual center and sourcing, set up your sacred spaces within and/or in your home and work environments, finding enhanced pleasure zones, while boosting your output as well as your capacity to receive. You choose and direct, I follow and guide, holding a sacred space for all of you to show up in your best, most fulfilling, life.
Because you want to be ready for anything and everything life brings your way!
According to Abraham Maslow, all humans have five basic human needs. Strangely, in this day and age we tend to forget how normal it is to have needs at all! Maslow's Hierarchy of needs corresponds with the 7 chakras, or energy centers, in each of us. From the most basic physiological needs - such as healthy food, clean water to drink and air to breathe, shelter, sexual expression, and the need for safety at the root and sacral centers, we move up the ladder. Our digestion, metabolism and ability to process experience, our health, purpose, work and service in the world are situated in the solar plexus, the general region of the stomach. Love and belonging, our basic need for connection through friends, family, and intimacy with all of life is centered in the area of the heart. Our need for self-expression, respect, to be a valued member of our community, our strength and freedom - these all reside in the throat chakra. Finally, all humans have a need for self-actualization. We have a desire to be the most we can be. This need is expressed through the 6th chakra at the third eye which centers our inner vision in the form of insight and intuition, and the 7th chakra at the crown of the head which represents our connection with the etheric, cosmic consciousness, universal and divine energies.
All of our unmet needs can be found embedded in one of these main areas.
Would you like to resolve a problem you are having, or dissolve an obstacle you haven't been able to break through?
We all get into jams periodically, where the energy isn't flowing. This is a normal part of life. Breakdowns precede breakthroughs! These are normal life passages, sacred transitions from one phase of our lives to another. We tend to pathologize these natural periods in which we experience challenges that we don't quite know how to meet. Yet these times are our opportunities for growth, to develop new skill sets, and to move into deeper relationship with ourselves, our desires, our visions, and with others.
We all need a little help to move through these doorways. In traditional societies, there were rites of passage, and there were always wise elders, healers and helpers to support the community through such times. But today's world is fractured and so many have lost their sense of place, along with an understanding of our basic inter-dependence.
I am here to help.
Through deep listening and inquiry, we take a little magical mystery tour together. I help you re-connect with your innate wisdom and guidance and show you how to access it reliably. Let's find the opportunity that is calling your name!
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